Jacobson Employee Spotlight – Q3 2024

Posted by The Jacobson Group

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We are excited to share that The Jacobson Group has once again been named one of Business Insurance's Best Places to Work in Insurance. At Jacobson, we are committed to fostering the growth and success of our team members at every stage of their careers, and we are proud to be recognized as a company where employees can truly thrive. In this quarter's spotlight, we’re featuring three exceptional individuals who help shape our positive workplace culture. Learn more about them below:

Darlene Cramer Darlene Cramer

Account Manager, 7 years 11 months at Jacobson

Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky

Alma Mater: Southern High School

Describe Your Role: I am an account manager for the temporary staffing team. I have the pleasure of working not only with our internal employees but also the privilege of working with our consultants and clients.

Random Fact: I have an identical twin (we are mirror images and even have rhyming names).

Jacobson in Three Words: Integrity, Community, Excellence

One Professional Skill You Are Actively Developing: Ongoing analytics

You Are Happiest When You Are: At the beach with family, especially when the grandkids are playing in the waves

Advice For Newcomers to the Industry: Learn, investigate and ask about everything

Favorite Food: MEXICAN!

If You Won the Lottery, What is the First Thing You Would Do? Buy an island and move my family and grandkids there

What Inspires You to Excel in Your Role? The people I work with internally and their partnership inspires me to excel, along with the offerings and impact that Jacobson can contribute to the healthcare industry.

Last Show You Binge Watched: "Dual Survival", series but I also love every documentary (excluding War) that is out there.

Justine Haley Justine Haley

Recruiter, 2 years 11 months at Jacobson

Hometown: I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas, but now I’m getting lost in Dallas-Fort Worth! And trust me my lack of directional sense means I get lost A LOT!

Alma Mater: I earned my bachelor's degree in business administration from DeVry University.

Describe Your Role: As a recruiter in the contingent workforce solutions department, I love connecting skilled professionals with dynamic insurance companies.

Random Fact: I love to crochet. Beanies are my go-to.

One Professional Skill You Are Actively Learning: Right now, I’m working hard to expand my resume-writing skills.

Favorite Food: I grew up on the border; of course, my favorite food is Mexican food!

Last Book You Read: That is a LOADED question! I am that annoying reader who reads more than one book at once! I just finished "Malibu Rising" (the book chosen by our Jacobson Book Club) and I’m trying hard to finish "Fourth Wing".

In Your Time at Jacobson, What Has Been Your Favorite Project? I love being a member of the activities committee and playing a small part in bringing everyone together. I also love to watch the competitiveness of my co-workers!

If You Won the Lottery, What is the First Thing You Would Do? I would buy a yard for my dog. The house is just a bonus!

You Are Happiest When You Are: In my pajamas, drinking a pumpkin cream cold brew and watching shark documentaries

What Inspires You to Excel in Your Role? I’m a really big fan of being able to pay my bills!

Cody FincherCody Fincher

Client Advisor, 1 year 7 months at Jacobson

Hometown: Lakeside, California

Alma Mater: Lindenwood University, B.A., MBA

Describe Your Role: I am a client advisor for our life insurance team, I build and maintain relationships with clients to help them achieve their business goals by accessing the right talent at the right time.

Last Book You Read: "The Busy Brain Cure" by Romie Mushtaq, M.D.

Favorite Jacobson Project: Speaking at the IASA Xchange Conference, which included an interview with AM Best TV

Favorite Food: El Potro Mexican food

Advice For Newcomers to the Industry: Consistency is king.

Random Fact: I represented the USA in an international lacrosse tournament.

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