Experiencing Summer Burnout? Here are 4 Tips for Staying Motivated at Work

Posted by The Jacobson Group

With summer comes warmer weather, sunnier days and often more packed schedules. Vacation plans, family activities, childcare needs and the allure of summertime leisure often compete with work priorities and deadlines, leading to increased stress and pressure (sometimes further fueled by decreased motivation).

Below, a few of our colleagues at The Jacobson Group share how they’re managing a healthy work-life balance and staying focused when summertime distractions are at their peak. We hope these insights provide inspiration and ideas for avoiding burnout, while also making the most of your summer!

Set clear boundaries.

Nikki St.Martin, Vice President of Marketing and Sales Enablement

Since Jacobson offers flex hours, I set a specific summer work schedule and commit to it. I communicate this with my colleagues and family in advance, so everyone is aware of my availability and helps me stay accountable. This ensures my work does not encroach on family time and that my daughter knows when I am available to be her summertime chauffeur!

Take regular breaks and refresh your environment.

Judy Busby, Senior Vice President and Managing Director

I like to step outside for a few minutes several times a day to enjoy the sun, flowers and dog walkers. These short breaks provide clarity and time to think in between meetings, ultimately enhancing my performance. Sometimes, I even take calls outdoors to break the monotony of sitting at my desk.

Janet Foor, Assistant Vice President and Client Relationship Manager

Starting my day earlier allows me to get a jump on work, leaving more time to enjoy the outdoors later. I also incorporate quick walks into my routine, handling some calls on the go. Working outside when possible is a great way to take advantage of the summer days.

Plan and take vacation time.

Joanna Kruzel, Client Development Manager

It's important to take time off during the summer to recharge and prevent burnout. I always plan at least one week-long vacation to ensure I balance work and play. I love traveling, so even if it’s a trip to a state park nearby or back home to Chicago, it’s always beneficial to disconnect and spend quality time with loved ones!

Kellan McCormick, Communications Coordinator

I plan my personal activities in advance and spread them out over the summer. This way, I have something to look forward to, which keeps me motivated during the workweek. I also make sure not to overload myself, prioritizing time to relax and enjoy the summer.

Celebrate small wins.

Judy Busby, Senior Vice President and Managing Director

Staying motivated is about the small things. Find those wins that make you feel proud of yourself and others and state them loudly! Remember, having fun and working hard can go hand in hand.

The right mindset, clear boundaries and advance planning are essential for avoiding burnout and maintaining productivity – not just during the summer, but year-round. No matter what your summer plans may bring, we hope you are able to recharge and enjoy!

Have a vacation coming up? Check out our post on making the most of your time off.