Talent Trends for Insurers to Watch in 2022

Posted by The Jacobson Group

Entering 2022, we mark nearly two years of adapting to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Shifting employee expectations and long-term virtual and hybrid work environments, along with a tight labor market, will all impact how insurers approach their talent strategies in the new year. Below are a few of the key trends we’re anticipating. To read more, download our complete 2022 Insurance Talent Trends Guide.

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Industry reshuffling continues.

Insurance professionals will continue to make moves in 2022 as they evaluate their professional decisions and futures within their current companies. Unfulfilled employees won’t hesitate to move on, making it vital for leaders to focus on retention, engagement and development.


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The “War for Talent” rages on.

In terms of recruitment, insurers will need to further expand their talent pools and be creative in defining the skills and qualifications necessary for a role’s current and future demands. Recruiting timelines will accelerate as hiring managers experience increasing pressure to make quick decisions and present competitive and tailored offers.


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Insurers prioritize DEI with increased accountability.

Across all industries, organizations are being held accountable for their progress within diversity, equity and inclusion. Forward-thinking insurers are making DEI a business priority and putting the necessary resources, strategies and goals in place in 2022.


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Professional connections must be built
and strengthened.

It’s been nearly two years since many individuals have seen their colleagues in person, including newer hires who may have never met teammates face-to-face. Managers will need to be cognizant of how they are connecting their employees to each other, as well as to individuals in other departments, and be proactive about building strong working relationships.


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Corporate culture transcends physical
office spaces.

Rather than attempt to retrofit in-office cultures to the remote landscape, organizations are redefining how company culture can be experienced across different locations. Leaders must focus on their company values and determine how those values can best translate in a virtual or hybrid environment.


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Successful return-to-office plans are thoughtful
and strategic.

Individuals have become accustomed to working from home and have calibrated their habits and expectations accordingly. Leaders who plan to bring individuals back into the physical office – even on a part-time basis – will need to establish customized plans that fit employees’ current lifestyles and comfort levels, while also meeting the company’s needs.


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Management and leadership skills are prioritized.

As the role of a leader evolves, soft and interpersonal skills are setting exceptional leaders apart and contributing to the overall productivity and satisfaction of their teams. Organizations will benefit from refreshing their leadership development programs and focusing on skills such as emotional intelligence, communication, critical thinking and coaching, in addition to technical knowledge.


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Flexibility reigns.

Flexibility has been a key theme throughout the pandemic and will continue in 2022. Maintaining flexibility in everything from work schedules and locations to career growth and total rewards packages will be essential to employee satisfaction this year.

While the industry will continue to evolve in 2022 and undoubtedly present unforeseen shifts and challenges, insurers that focus on employee needs and expectations, remain agile, and prioritize strong leadership will come out ahead. For more on what insurers can expect in the new year, view The Jacobson Group’s full 2022 Insurance Talent Trends Guide.