Polling Results: What Is Influencing Recruiting Today?

Posted by The Jacobson Group

Insurers continue to adapt to an evolving labor market. From interview timelines and the most important candidate traits, to desirable leadership qualities, we’ve polled our LinkedIn audience for insights on their processes and priorities. Below is a glimpse into the industry’s current attitudes and areas of focus.

As market conditions shift, so do talent priorities. Retention became the dominant focus for 40% of employers in the second half of 2024. Not far behind, 37% are prioritizing employee development and 22% are most focused on hiring. When we asked the same question in 2021, hiring and development were tied as top priorities (40%) and retention was ranked lowest (17%). The shift implies a growing emphasis on keeping high performers engaged and reducing turnover.

Given the perceived easing of the labor market, some hiring managers have lost their sense of urgency with regard to hiring. However, these lengthened interview processes are causing some companies to lose out on top candidates. Moving quickly during the interview and hiring process remains essential. Thirty-eight percent of hiring managers shared they typically make offers within two weeks of initial contact with a candidate. Just 13% take longer than four weeks.

Flexibility in work location has become a non-negotiable for many professionals. Nearly 7 out of 10 hiring managers reported that remote work has the greatest impact when crafting an offer that stands out, outranking tailored compensation packages (16%), company culture (12%) and generous PTO (4%).

Today’s recruiting processes often require hiring managers to make informed choices with fewer candidate interactions. Our poll found that 51% of hiring managers prioritize culture fit in initial interviews —outweighing leadership potential (27%), technical skills (16%) and soft skills (6%). Asking the right questions and engaging in meaningful dialogue can help provide insight on these areas and more.

Leadership demands are evolving amid shifting work environments and employee expectations. Half of professionals rate integrity as the top leadership quality, followed by empathy (35%) and strategic thinking (14%). Read more about the key traits of today's most successful leaders here.

For more of our LinkedIn poll results, view our past post on professionals’ current expectations. To share your thoughts in our future polls, follow us on LinkedIn