Leadership Skills for Future Success

Posted by The Jacobson Group

As we enter 2021, business leaders are tasked with providing a sense of stability and direction amid much uncertainty. Modernization projects are moving forward, remote work is still the norm, and the line between personal and professional continues to break down. Strong leadership is vital for success in 2021. Those at an organization’s helm must inspire innovation, foster growth and serve as a north star for their employees.

In their recent Insurance Journal article, “Key Qualities for Tomorrow’s Leaders,” senior vice presidents Judy Busby and Dave Coons discuss the skills that will be essential for moving organizations toward a successful future. Here are a few of the characteristics they shared.


All individuals have taken on a lot this year, emotionally, financially and psychologically. Those with school-age children may be managing online learning and reduced or non-existent childcare. Some are battling health issues or caring for sick family members. Individuals living alone may be dealing with feelings of isolation. Effective leaders need to be aware of these challenges and lend an empathetic and compassionate ear. By seeking feedback from employees, listening to their needs and building creative solutions, leaders enhance engagement while creating a more productive atmosphere.


The ability to pivot and gracefully change course has never been so important. The past year has embodied a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) landscape. The pandemic, along with modernization projects, remote work and evolving customer behaviors has made it essential for leaders to quickly respond to changes and navigate shifts. As we move into the new year, it’s important to re-evaluate all areas of business and determine how to most effectively and proactively move forward.

diversityCommitment to Inclusivity

Diversity, equity and inclusion should be at the forefront of leaders’ strategies moving into 2021. By serving as a champion for inclusion and ensuring all voices are represented and heard, leaders can impact culture from the top down. Work to create a strong pipeline of diverse talent and be intentional about including professionals from under-represented groups in the leadership ranks.

For more on these and many other necessary traits, read “Key Qualities for Tomorrow’s Leaders.” To hear how you can continue to grow and develop leaders, view our recent whitepaper, “Reinvigorating Leadership Development Plans for the Virtual Age.”